
Roxane Sirois

Directrice clinique et technicienne en santé animale
Biographie à venir.
The staff and vet are all very friendly and care for our pets. They follow up before an appointment and…

Pierre-luc Mercier

Good location. Good service and great expertise. A bit crowded at times though.

Gilles Dufour

Friendly staff overall and the lady at the counter was proactive with my request for information. I lived here for…

Gil Duff

Simply the best and their other clinic on Galt est. Amazing owners and staff at both locations! Great prices and…

Rob Karma

Excellent service!

Tommy Drolet


Faire des pieds et des mains pour garder ceux de nos chats, il est temps d’aller de l’avant!

Un sujet aussi chaud que celui des pitbulls, actuellement en clinique, est celui entourant l’onyxectomie ou communément appelé le dégriffage.

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